5/29/2019 1 Comment May 29th, 2019![]() Is work making YOU fat? Do you eat snacks at work? Are there cupcakes, soft drinks, candy, sandwiches, pastries, chips and donuts available nearly very day? Cake for birthdays? Do you eat from vending machines at work? This is all too common and unfortunately we don't even think of the consequences of our actions. These foods named are high in calories, processed grains, and lots of added sugar and salt. We don't realize these bad choices add up as health concerns long term. They also add an average of 1300 calories per week. THIS IS NEARLY ONE EXTRA POUND OF CALORIES PER WEEK! The added sugar, fat and salt predisposes you to gaining weight, high blood pressure, diabetes risk, and more health consequences than I can list here. Offices/workplaces may consider supplying healthy snacks, healthy salad bars and swapping vending machine choices. Work lunches can include better-for-you wraps and flavored waters (replacing sodas). Wellness in the area of food, reduces workplace health costs and absenteeism. It's just so hard for all of us to avoid the tempting foods every day, the candy dishes . If these aren't available however, it is healthier for everyone. Mindlessly we grab what is there, adding calories and health risks on a daily basis. We can all make a shift. We can request it at our offices. We can begin the movement, the shift. START TODAY....you do you!
1 Comment
5/25/2019 0 Comments Your body and water![]() We hear all the time drink more water! Stay hydrated! Keep a water bottle with you on your desk! Drink x ounces per bodyweight! Water is good for you! Do you know why? Here's some good reasons to indulge in more water every single day: 1. Water improves cognitive function, helping with concentration and focus ( in a world filled with distractions, drink more water) 2. Water balances out moods and emotions 3. Water helps blood flow to your brain for better memory ( turn I forgot that, into I remember this!) 4. Water helps you manage stress. Helps avoid flight or fight mode, thus helping with problem solving. 5. Water helps prevent headaches During sleep we can lose up to 1 pound of water through sweat and respiration, so drink a big glass of water first thing in the morning BEFORE your coffee or smoothie to help rehydrate you. Keep that glass water bottle on your desk. Take water breaks during the day to move and head to the water cooler, refilling your reusable bottle. 5/23/2019 0 Comments It's asparagus season![]() Good news! It’s ASPARAGUS season! It’s a great time to buy local! There are lots of reasons to eat this amazing veggie while it’s plentiful: *No need to buy organic (it’s on the “clean 15 list”) *It’s better sauteed, roasted, baked- cooking makes the powerful antioxidants more available for your body to absorb *Asparagus is low in calories but high in nutrients. 1/2 cup cooked has only 20 calories, is an excellent source of vitamin K (aids in blood clotting and bone health) vitamins C and A. High in folate (vital for cell growth and DNA formation) *High in antioxidants which help protect our cells from the harmful effects of free radicals and oxidative stress (we all have this-yuck) *May help reduce your risk of chronic disease due to being a good source of flavonoids and polyphenols *1/2 cup has 7% of our daily dietary fiber needs. This helps our digestive health, helping you poop! *1/2 cup has 6% of your daily potassium needs which helps lower blood pressure I roast a big batch then store in the fridge. It’s ready to use as a side dish. Warm to use on salads for a main dish. Spice them and snack on them all day! 5/17/2019 0 Comments Road to recovery![]() I may be smiling now... but I haven't been the whole time, you see that thing across my stomach holding my arm in place? Here are the details! April 14th while staying in Flagstaff, 2 of my daughters and I were hiking the West Fork Trail, one of the top 10 trails for beauty in America. We went to the end, sat, enjoyed, and then turned back. (In hindsight I was not paying attention like I should.) I was taking the trail for granted, slipped on a sandy rock and dislocated my shoulder. Now, even though I had never done this before, the immense pain and shape of my shoulder made it completely obvious... well that and seeing stars. We had no option but to hike the 3.2 miles out, cross the stream yet another 13 times and then drive to the hospital. After a great doc at Flagstaff Orthopedic Hospital reduced my shoulder I turned down prescription medications. Why? I really believed I could manage the pain holistically. And I have. So what am I taking? Supplements... here we go! Restore: this product is amazing. This is a nutrition product but also a support supplement for healthy and active people like me. Restore is a powerful proteolytic enzyme. Its vegetarian, gluten free and all that jazz. It uses enzymes to help break down and remove wastes surrounding an injury, helping to resolve the inflammation phase sooner, allowing the body to heal faster. Restore has antioxidants, chelated minerals (meaning your body can absorb the minerals rather than just pee them out) and digestive support. Because all this, it gives an athlete or someone like me additional protection against illness, helping me to stay well! So what are Proteolytic enzymes? They are essential for many vital processes in the body including digestion and staying well (our immune function). They break down proteins into amino acids so that it is easier for our body to absorb and take full advantage of them. Without these your body heals slower, you get sick more often, and you slow down. Restore is taken between meals so as to NOT compete with food. I've been taking 2 capsules multiple times per day since I got home from Arizona. I'm sleeping like a rock and feel ready to hit the gym! Ha ha, I haven't even been cleared for PT yet. This product has so many health benefits for the athlete and for the injured person like me. It is useful for auto-immune conditions that need more attention. My first go to for the residual pain and achiness upon returning to Wisconsin has been CBD but not any old CBD oil. What are our bodies mostly made up of? Oil or water? Yes, bingo. Water. Oil and Water don’t mix . My friends Sean and Tylene Loomer have introduced me to CBD FLUID which is aqueous, this means water based! Thus our bodies absorb it at a rate over 90% VS 3-5% with the oil! There are even more fun facts about the fluid. The extraction process does not use benzene, critical CO2, and all sorts of nasty chemicals that are commonly used to make CBD fluid. Do these sound like things we want in our bodies? Nooooo we do not.! Seriously do not! Our extraction process does not use high heat and thus the integrity of the plant is maintained and is used in a water solution. Simple dimple. No artificial flavorings either. Those aren't really great for us either, sorry to say. Our extraction process also maintains the integrity of the whole plant, giving us FULL BENEFIT of the Hemp plant as compared to those with chemical and/or hight heat extraction. Note: 2 drops is a dose. Not the whole dropper. Just 2 drops has helped a ton for me, with the achiness, the pain before the rain, sleeping on a newly reduced shoulder. I've taken none of the opioids recommended (didn't bring them home) and zero NSAIDS either. None of these are very good for your tummy, your nervous system and a whole slew of other things. It can be done holistically. I'm not an exception to the rule. Message or email me for more info! I've got it for you!! Picture 1: Restore Picture 2/3: Suthe CBD and Suthe in water Picture 4: Suthe in water , completely dissolved, no oil droplets (there is NO OIL) ![]() , *Here I am, larger than life (due to the picture). Putting myself before you as an example to accept yourselves right where you are and start your journey to better health through food! *I'm an example of a mom of girls, god mother of boys, dog and cat mom, travel and adventure lover. I'm someone who has worked on their health through lifestyle, a wellness program and food. I know others can do the same and I can help you. *I was a super, super sick person who felt like crap on a daily basis, even while sleeping 10 years ago. The symptoms I had were numerous: joint pain, migraines, brain fog, stomach pain, depression and more! Today, I have checked all of these things OFF the list without medications. It can be done and I would not say I have any sort of strong willpower. *Please know I am a regular person like you. You can achieve a new level of wellness--what kind of new life would you like to live? Cheers, Toni 1/13/2019 1 Comment Feeling StrongThis past summer, August 2018, I knew the warm weather was drawing to a close. I had to get out for a waterski myself, taking a turn between kids skiing, tubing and boarding. While I love that, it was time to show myself and my kids, that MOM could still do it. In my head and in my body I knew that I was strong enough. No small feat. I, like many of you, have had autoimmune disease. I have overcome the IMMENSE weight of exhaustion, weakness and defeat. I have come through finally feeling strong, confidant and ready to do most anything! I attribute this to food, lifestyle and a good support system. Lucky me. But you can do it also. Here is my proof below: 4/24/2017 1 Comment Easter weekend dinnerJudging from the picture you can see that eating healthy doesn't mean only kale, oranges and water. Over the Easter weekend, my family and I had the most decadent, sumptuous gourmet dinner in Florida. Melt in your mouth short rib, fish, lamb, vegetables, home-made fresh tomato soup to die (live) for. Everything so fresh, so properly cooked, so good, we each had to pass our dishes around and around the table. I felt very pampered. We shared a dessert at the end, enough for all of us to have a few bites, plenty. The best part was sharing lots of laughs and love over this amazing meal.